Stress Urinary Incontinence
- What is urinary incontinence?
- Urinary incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine. Some women with incontinence may experience leaks often, but even infrequent leaks can have a significant impact on a woman’s life. The most common types of incontinence in women are stress and urge incontinence. Some women may be affected by both types (mixed urinary incontinence).
- Dr. Nascu will perform a comprehensive evaluation and discuss with you the most effective treatments.
- We collaborate with trained pelvic floor physiotherapists that will direct your Pelvic Floor Muscle Training, we can recommend you surgeons who perform Tension-Free Vaginal Slings or other incontinence procedures, and we can perform the newest, painless, office based Erbium-Yag laser procedure.
- SUI and pelvic organ prolapse are caused by connective tissue laxity in the vagina and its supporting structure. You are increased risk if you have had children, are overweight, are Caucasian and are a smoker. Symptoms can occur earlier in life, but are more pronounced with age and after menopause.
- If you are coming to see us in regards to SUI please download, print and complete the ICIQ form and the Voiding-Diary form, and bring them with you to your first appointment.
- Urge incontinence is sometimes called Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB). It consists in sudden, frequent or urgent need to pee followed by urine loss. Many women find triggers like cold or the sound of running water, and worsening symptoms with a full bladder.
- A common cause of OAB is involuntary bladder contractions at the wrong time. This condition is generally treated with medications that help relax the bladder muscle. You might need to see an urologist (a doctor that specializes in diseases of the urinary tract) and have certain investigations performed.